Saturday, December 27, 2008

Hey, y'all -- it's a poll!

Like many resolutionists, for me the span between Christmas and New Year's Day is full of optimism and promise. Every year, I spend this week thinking through what positive changes I'd like to make in the coming year, for my health or sanctification or general well-being. I tend to fail pretty quickly and thoroughly once the new year is underway, but hope springs eternal.

Well, Gentle Reader(s), this year is no different. And while I have set a few goals already (and which I intend to keep to myself -- apparently I have a couple of boundaries left), I've decided to let one of my resolutions be decided by you, my reading "public"! (Or "person." Whatever!)

If you'll look in the right-hand column over yonder, I've set up a poll. There are two items to choose between -- for me to either blog every day or for me to take an online Spanish class through Livemocha. I don't have enough time to do both, sadly, particularly if I plan to actually accomplish whichever resolution gets chosen.

Vote early and vote often -- polls close at 11:59 PM on New Year's Eve.


Anonymous said...

Hmmm... LiveMocha. Very interesting. That will come in very handy. Thanks for the tip.

I voted blogging.

Stacy said...

use an online translator to do both! but don't leave the blogosphere...who will we look to for humorous memorandum and fashion tips?