The point guard reference may be completely lost on CNN's Anderson Cooper, but that doesn't slow down Alaska Governor Sarah Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton as she spins her boss' abrupt resignation from office yesterday. Stapleton, who was on vacation in New York as Palin makes this career-altering announcement (in front of a Wasilla lake filled with noisily quacking ducks), actually explains the analogy to him, but he's having none of it. Though I do wish he'd said, "But isn't what we really have here a case of the star point guard just passing the ball to a teammate from the bench and then running into the locker room with 18 months left in the game?"
Or a bus, driving over a cliff, that we never get to drive, with low psi in the tires...oh wait...we are talking about Sarah Palin metaphors.. =)
Missed you yesterday...still praying. Fran Raley got baptized...always an encouragement.
this video appears to have vanished too
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