The truth is my head's pretty bad these days. I have some level of pain nearly every day anyway, but June has been like a blur of medication and no sleep and trying to get through work days and nausea and just generally hanging on 'til I can get home and sort of fall apart. Sunday was, I hope, the apex of the current cycle -- none of the drugs in my considerable arsenal touched the pain at all. I even considered going to the emergency room for something, anything, to make it all stop.
I haven't talked about this -- largely because it's boring. Who wants to read me going on and on about how crummy I feel or describing my little personal struggles with pain? No one. It's so uninteresting, I don't even want to write about it. But on the other hand, it's true and real for me, and I don't want anyone to worry or think something out of the ordinary's up.
Last June was just like this, too -- I was remembering that when I started at CM, I was so hopeful that the change of scenery and reduced stress (ha!) would lead to fewer headaches. Instead, the whole month was this like pain-filled swirl with a new job thrown in. This year, I'm back in the political trenches, and the headaches are right back with me.
So. That's the deal. If you pray, I would covet your prayers that I would walk in a manner worthy through this particular season that God has ordained for me. And, that if it's His will, He'd let it stop. If you don't pray, I'd appreciate your holding a good thought for me. This, too, shall pass -- it always does -- but it's a bit wearing in the process.
We do want to hear it. (Well, we would prefer to hear that your migraines are a thing of the past, but it looks like we'll have to wait a bit longer for that post!) You are an awesome friend and we love you.
::Hugs:: (And Selah appreciated her extra hugs from Auntie Nora you yesterday!)
Praying, praying, praying for you!
I'll be praying.
Now if you want a really boring post, go to my latest :-)
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