I'd been wanting one since they first came out. I read a lot, probably four books a month anyway given all the rotating and cycling through them I do, and even though I generally buy them at a deep discount on eBay or through Amazon's used book sellers, they add up in terms of cost and ... well, piles of books.
But the capital outlay involved with the Kindle initially held me back, along with the fact that I'm generally leery of first generation technologies.
The Kindle 2 released shortly before I finished my taxes and got a hefty refund. Given the money burning a hole in my pocket, my love of gadgets and the number of books I burn through, it was a pretty easy decision.

The new Kindle is has a better screen and more memory than its predecessor.

I am very, very happy. Yay.
cool. try not to lose it.
but you can't underline or write in the margin or dog-ear pages or, well, it's just not a book. I don't think I like it. But I'm happy for you.
I know, David. Not losing it is pretty much Job 1.
And Sharon -- you can do all those things. Electronically. And the notes and dogears are searchable and backed up on amazon.com. And there's a built-in dictionary. And access to Wiki. It's good. Not a paper book, clearly, but good.
sounds like fun! but on Sundays...how will we every believe that you are following the sermon and not reading 6 papers worth of funnies? :)
Hey, Nora, check out this post about cookbooks on the Kindle (esp. The Cook's Illustrated How-to-Cook Library which is free ATM!)
The ESV is free for the Kindle but the ESV Study Bible is only $10 right nowESV Study Bible is only $10 right now with all those great notes and reference pages!
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