Monday, December 15, 2008

The art of meeting a man

I saw this helpful little video on a message board I lurk on and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

How to snare a man, according to the 1980s and YouTube.


Unknown said...

Who are these 20% of men who have NEVER felt shy?

Sharon said...

My research has shown that most of the time, the 20% who don't feel shy, should.

Christina said...

Oh my.

And my research indicates that Sharon's research is accurate.

Nora :) said...

Well, given my singleton status I really have no grounds to speak on How Men Are, but yes, it seems like the ones who should be shy generally aren't and the ones who shouldn't be are. More or less.

David Wolfe said...

All: I propose a night of football, red wine, and speaking in quiet, hushed tones. It might work! =)