There are design rules about what fonts go with what other ones, appropriate point sizes, serif vs. sanserif, and when to us what weight of font. It's a bit of a science, making text a graphic element and player with its being unreadable or drawing too much attention to itself. But most good design comes down to gut instinct, I think. Eric and I even have a term -- font madness -- for times when folks have no font sense and load a web page or resume with too many of them or use ones that clearly don't jibe.
I saw this Flickr set, Typocalypse, linked via shelterrific, and immediately knew I'd found a kindred spirit.
A few favorites:

He's right about Garamond. It always seems a like a good call, until you actually use it.
Then there's this. Oh, how I hate this font:

And this. I think it's true:

A kindred spirit, indeed!
I love your love of fonts! And your hatred for the bad (and badly used) ones.
How can you have a whole post about fonts without making fun of Comic Sans. I thought that was a law, or something.
Please insert the question mark in the appropriate place.
There's a documentary on Netflix about Helvetica. You should add it to your queue. I haven't seen it yet (It's #85) but you should Netflix it. I mean, it's a movie about a font. How cool is that?
Everyone makes fun of Comic Sans. It felt too easy.
I will add that movie to my queue!
Yeah, praising Helvetica and making fun of Comic Sans (or Ariel, I guess) are like two sides of the font coin. I kinda thought it was obligitory. ;)
I saw somewhere recently, there are two kinds of people. Those who can't tell the difference between Helvetica and Arial, and those who hate Arial.
Oh, fun! Here's a game where you can use Helvetica letters to beat up Arial letters.
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